Massoud Shadjareh, Chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, has won his libel complaint against the Sunday Times. The newspaper published an apology and has agreed to pay Mr Shadjareh substantial damages. A copy of the apology is attached.


The Sunday Times Apology – Massoud Shadjareh

13 July 2008

Correction: Massoud Shadjareh

An article last year (A failure to confront radical Islam, News, December 2, 2007) stated that Massoud Shadjareh, the chairman of the influential Islamic Human Rights Commission, “began drawing moral equivalents between Muslims in Guantanamo Bay and the fate of Gillian Gibbons [the teacher jailed in Sudan after her class named a teddy bear Mohammed] when he appeared on the Today programme”. In fact, Mr Shadjareh did not make any such comparisons. Furthermore, he condemned outright Mrs Gibbons’s treatment by the Sudanese government. Accordingly, the suggestions in the article that Mr Shadjareh had failed to condemn such human rights violations and condoned the radical actions of the Sudanese government were totally untrue. We apologise for any embarrassment caused.

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