Chambers and Partners notes that the team is known as the “leading light in the market for high-profile libel and privacy cases”. It states that the firm is “acclaimed for its pre-eminent claimant practice, representing a wide variety of sovereign nations and public figures. Continues to expand its roster of defendant clients, which consists of international broadcasters, publishers and individuals.”
The Directory goes on to quote clients of the firm who said “they are quick, decisive and very clear about their proposed strategies. This is very helpful with clients, who are often feeling vulnerable and require a swift and pragmatic approach in solving issues” and “they have a real depth of talent and, both in terms of client handling and knowledge, they are amongst the best in the business.”
The Legal 500 notes that “The ‘outstanding’ Carter-Ruck provides ‘a blue-riband service’ to clients in need of pre-publication advice or representation in litigation. ‘Guru’ Nigel Tait, who acts for Simon Cowell, is ‘client friendly and full of good ideas’. Adam Tudor successfully represented the McCanns in libel proceedings against The Sunday Times. Alasdair Pepper and senior associate Rebecca Toman are highly recommended.”