Carter-Ruck supports ‘Smarter EU Sanctions’ workshop held at University College London, 8 November 2013
Sheikh Yassin Abdullah Kadi and Guy Martin of Carter-Ruck address distinguished audience about effect of targeted sanctions
Carter-Ruck supported a workshop on EU sanctions held at University College, London on 8 November 2013.
Guy Martin, the firm’s Head of International Law, with his client Sheikh Yassin Abdullah Kadi, gave introductory addresses to the distinguished audience outlining the impact of EU Sanctions from the perspective of a formerly designated person.
The workshop brought together judges, EU and national officials, decision and policy makers, practising lawyers as well as leading academics, and other stakeholders. It was organised by Professor Piet Eeckhout of UCL, and Maya Lester of Brick Court Chambers.
The workshop addressed issues arising from the EU’s sanctions policies, notably the extensive and often successful litigation which has resulted (such as the Kadi I and II cases), and questions as to the protection of fundamental rights. Speakers and attendees at the conference included several representatives of sanctioned individuals and entities as well as leading academics, and senior representatives from the UN, the European Commission, and the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
The Keynote speech, on the Kadi II case and the review of sanctions cases by the Court of Justice of the European Union was given by Judge Koen Lenaerts, Vice President of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The speech was chaired by Alan Dashwood of City University, and the commentator was Judge Kimberly Prost (UN Ombudsperson for the 1267 Sanctions Committee).
Click here for UCL summary of the event