Boris Berezovsky has been awarded £50,000 in damages for libel by a jury in the High Court, against the Russian private bank Alfa Bank and its chairman Mikhail Fridman. The allegations made by Mr Fridman on a Russian television programme, and broadcast in this country to subscribers, accused Mr Berezovsky of threatening him and others. After a two-week trial, the jury rejected the Defendants’ defence of justification and found that Mr Fridman’s allegations were untrue. The jury awarded Mr Berezovsky £50,000 in damages and an injunction restraining future publication.
Press Release
Libel Win for Boris Berezovsky
26 May 2006
A jury in the High Court in London has today awarded Boris Berezovsky, the prominent exiled Russian businessman and political campaigner, £50,000 in libel damages against the Russian private bank Alfa Bank and its Chairman, Mikhail Fridman. Alfa Bank is a partner in the oil company TNK-BP.
Mr Fridman had claimed on a Russian television programme broadcast to subscribers in this country that Mr Berezovsky had threatened him, and that making threats was Mr Berezovsky’s usual way of conducting business. The jury rejected the Defendants’ claim that Mr Fridman’s allegations were true.
Mr Berezovsky said today:
“This case was not about the money, but about the truth. The verdict provides the vindication I sought after Mr Fridman refused to apologise”.
Mr Berezovsky was also granted an injunction restraining future publication and was awarded all his costs of the action.
Enquiries: Andrew Stephenson and Claire Gill.
Mr Berezovsky was represented by Claire Gill and Andrew Stephenson