Featured Media Law Articles
Media Law Articles
Johnny Depp -v- NGN: Judgment Analysis
The Mail apologises and pays £25,000 in damages to Cambridge Professor over false racism allegations
Carter-Ruck on BBC Radio 4 Media Show
Johnny Depp Libel Judgment: Carter-Ruck on Sky News
Inforrm’s Blog: The role of social media platforms and users in tackling Covid misinformation
Al Arab pays substantial damages and costs to Rached Ghannouchi
Jewish Chronicle apologises and pays substantial libel damages to Nada al-Sanjari
Leave.EU apologises and pays substantial libel damages to Naz Shah MP for false “grooming gangs apologist” allegation
Oliver Cox on talkRADIO: Consumer Review Websites and the Risk of Libel
Primary school teacher awarded £49,000 in libel compensation over false allegations
Rached Ghannouchi awarded £45,000 over false allegations of terrorism and foreign funding
Nectar Trust secures apology and substantial damages from Daily Telegraph