Featured Media Law Articles
Media Law Articles
Technology to drive media law in 2016
What popstar Niall Horan’s case teaches us about defamation
MGN loses appeal against Mann J’s judgment in the Mirror Group Phone Hacking Litigation
Victory for Carter-Ruck client in High Court trial on meaning and serious harm to reputation
Claims against Google in ‘right to be forgotten’ cases
Carter-Ruck client wins High Court preliminary issues trial on meaning & serious harm to reputation
There are good reasons for an outright ban on naming arrested persons prior to charge
Ken Bates, former owner of Leeds United, successfully strikes out libel action
It Ain’t What They Call You…
Penguin Books apologises and pays damages to former MOD Legal Adviser over Shami Chakrabarti book
Revenge Porn: Educate to Help the Private Stay Private
Crime and Courts Act: provisions on exemplary damages relevant in libel and privacy claims in force