Featured Media Law Articles
Media Law Articles
Law Society Gazette – “Lawyer in the News”
Nigel Tait listed in the 2019 Spear’s Wealth Management Top 10 Reputation Leading Lawyers List
Bezos, blackmail, the media and the law
Carter-Ruck in The Law Society Gazette
Richard Burgon MP -v- News Group Newspapers
Does ‘tried to strangle’ imply an attempt to kill?
Appeal Court clarifies scope of public interest defence in libel: Carter-Ruck in Law Society Gazette
Former Trustees of Muslim Aid Respond to Charity Commission Inquiry
Court of Appeal guidance on “public interest” defence in defamation
Libel actions – England and Wales or in the United States? Carter-Ruck in the Law Society Gazette
Nigel Tait named Lawyer of the Year for Reputation & Defamation at Spear’s Wealth Management Awards
Case Preview: Lachaux v Independent Print, Supreme Court to hear “serious harm” appeal