Featured Media Law Articles
Media Law Articles
MoD apologises and pays substantial damages to Richard Holden for breach of his privacy
Guidance on libel for the social media age
Guy Martin in PR Week: Agency leaders confront idea theft and call for stronger protection
‘POLITE NOTICE’ Biker wins libel case
Every good courtroom drama needs a climax: Helena Shipman in The Times
Rachel Nickell allegations: former police commander secures apology and compensation from Mirror
Time to step up the war against online abuse: Nigel Tait and Persephone Bridgman Baker in The Times
Announcing the birth of the ‘Social Media User’ – Oliver Cox in The Times
Nigel Tait’s 60 second interview with April French Furnell of Citywealth
‘He tried to strangle me’: Supreme Court says judges must ‘inhabit the world of the Facebook reader’
Carter-Ruck in Legal Week
Carter-Ruck in the Law Society Gazette