Featured Media Law Articles
Media Law Articles
Right of Erasure – CJEU limits territorial scope of delisting orders
Carter-Ruck confirmed as ‘market leaders’ for Defamation and Reputation Management by Legal 500
Legal 500 – Carter-Ruck “top of the tree” and recognised in all four of its core practice areas
The Sun’s coverage of Ben Stokes’ family tragedy: Carter-Ruck comment in press
Middle East Eye defeats libel claim brought by prominent Palestinian and UAE “fixer”
Interpal Trustees secure full apology and £50,000 in libel damages from Jewish Chronicle
Pakistan Opposition Leader Shehbaz Sharif issues complaint after “politically motivated” Mail attack
Nasser Al Khelaifi – Media Attacks Based On Forged Document
Lachaux: Supreme Court clarifies ‘serious harm’ threshold for defamation claims
Lachaux V Independent Print, Supreme Court Abolished Common Law Presumption of Damage in Libel Cases
Guardian: Mail Pays Palestinian Charity Damages Over “Hate Festival” Allegations
Daily Mail and MailOnline pay £120,000 damages to Interpal Trustees over false terror allegations