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“Absolutely superb in heavyweight litigation”
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“Famously combative”
Daily Mail
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“They are the absolute best in this space”
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“Formidable litigation specialists”
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“One of London’s leading law firms”
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“The outstanding law firm in this area by some distance”
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“They know all about the world of brand management”
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“Very effective and have unrivalled experience”
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“No firm has the capacity to handle as many high-profile matters”
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“An unrivalled range of truly exceptional practitioners”
Legal 500
Pre-Publication & Crisis Management
When a reputational crisis strikes, you need experienced specialists at your side
The hours before publication can be crucial. Whether the threat comes from a whistleblower, an unexpected call from an investigative journalist or adverse comment spreading across the internet, we can help. Controlling the story before publication can avoid the need for a legal complaint after publication.
We help our clients to manage a media crisis, with a view to preventing or mitigating damage to individual and corporate reputations and by using legal strategy to prevent publication of false, private or confidential material.
Our experience in the media field means we are known by both the editors and the in-house legal teams at the main media organisations in the UK and further afield, and we can engage with them quickly and effectively on time-sensitive issues
We have a strong track record in securing injunctions prohibiting publication – often in a matter of hours – particularly where the proposed story involves private or confidential information. Depending on the facts and the urgency our strategy can include:
- Helping to prepare responses to journalists’ questions
- Putting a publisher or broadcaster on notice that they have got their facts wrong and threatening to bring Court proceedings if false or private information is published
- Seeking an injunction to prevent publication
- Assisting the client, often alongside their PR team, with internal and external communications
24/7 Partner-led Crisis Response
We have a 24-hour, 365 days of the year crisis management response team – one of our specialist partners is always available to respond to urgent crises at any time.
For more information on Pre-Publication & Crisis Management and how Carter-Ruck can help you please get in touch with us.
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